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Global Mission Prayer Network

Christian believers with a passion to make a difference through prayer.

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Our Prayer Login No.: 9892668800

Who We Are

We are a community of missionaries based in North Carolina, USA and Kiambu in Kenya with a passion to make a difference through prayer.  We believe that prayer can help one make a difference and that one can pray anywhere and anytime.

What We Do

 Global Mission Prayer Network (GMPN) in endeavour to achieve its vision, it undertakes the following programmes: Prayer Watch, Mission, Conference, and Radio Ministry

Mission Centres

We have missions in USA, Kenya, India. You can support us through prayer, volunteering and donating your finances.

Get Involved

Let us Pray Together

The ThreeProphetic Hours

We believe that through prayer, God can transform his people and heal them.

We pray at: 5:00 am, 1:00 pm, & 9:00 pm (ET).

Our Prayer Login No.: 9892668800

Make your Donation

Support our Mission

We want to inspire, empower and transform as many people as possible through prayer, outreach missions and through our Radio. Your support will transform lives to a present and better future. 

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