Githogoro Mission

Githogoro Mission and the Valley of Hope Sanctuary

In March 2021, the Global Mission Prayer Network Mission Team reached out to the people of Githogoro, a slum in Nairobi suburb.

In September 2021, the Team went back to Githogoro to evangelise and by God’s favour, they set up a sanctuary.

During the mission, the team members shared the good news about Jesus Christ. They prayed for the sick who were healed and delivered, and 8 people gave their life to Christ

We ministered to the sick by providing free health care services such as wounds cleaning as there were many with open wounds. We also donated foodstuffs and clothes.


When we began our mission activities at Githogoro in March 2021, our first venue was a PUB. The owner of the PUB gave us 30 minutes to hold a SERVICE inside the BAR club. In September 2021, during our first Sunday, we hired tents. By God’s favour, we got land at Githogoro, and we constructed a sanctuary christened Valley of Hope. By the end of our mission period, we worshiped at our new sanctuary though it was incomplete. The sanctuary was full. We saw great works of God as 9 people gave their lives to Christ.

Valley of Hope Sanctuary under construction.

Thank you so much for your support to build the Githogoro Valley of Hope Sanctuary. Surely God is Good and again thank you and May the Lord Bless all of us.

Matthew 9:37-38 says,

Then saith he unto his disciples,

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

We thank God for His Faithfulness, and we pray that God will continue doing great and mighty things for His children. We thank you for your prayers and material support.

We give God all the Glory and honor for His Faithfulness.

More Land Needed

The Githogoro community is in dire need of help. We need a big land nearby to build shelters for women and children, a clinic, and a school to provide medical care and education for the Githogoro community.

Here are the highlights:

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